Travelling with animals
Here you will find information about the opportunities to travel with animals.
- Pets such as dogs and cats travel for free when travelling by paying guests.
- It is allowed to bring a maximum of 2 animals/traveler.
- All animals must be kept on a leash or kept in an intended bag/cage and travel on the floor.
Smaller animals can be held on laps but must not be placed on a seat. - Passengers with animals must board through the middle door, where available. Exceptions for guide dogs, which are usually trained to enter through the front door.
- The animal may only be in the rear or upper part of the vehicle for the convenience of people who are allergic. Everyone can travel by public transport, so it can never be completely allergy-proof.
- Guide dogs and signal dogs travel with the passenger at any place in the vehicle.
- Anyone travelling with animals is responsible for its safety, and risks being rejected or denied boarding if the animal is deemed to be disturbing to other travellers or staff.