Vehicles and equipment
Functional requirements and equipment requirements in the buses.
When we procure transport companies that will run the traffic in Västerbotten, we start from the industry-wide requirements appendix Bus Nordic.
The Bus Nordic requirements appendix includes guidelines for accessibility and also functional requirements for the buses. The agreements are then adapted to the appendix of requirements with the transport companies.
Our timetables have a wheelchair symbol on the tours that have accessible buses. The buses in the county are equipped with ramps or lifts. The majority of the buses are of the low-floor type, which means low entry at the front and middle doors.
All buses have special space for wheelchairs or strollers. The seats that have adapted seat height are marked with a symbol for reduced mobility. At the wheelchair space inside and outside by the middle door, there are special blue buttons that can be used to alert the driver that a passenger with an assistive device or pram needs to get on or off.
Most of our buses in regional traffic in Västerbotten have stop announcements and an inner sign that shows the next stop. If the bus does not have it, the driver can help you with the information if you ask for it.
Travelling with assistive devices
Bus Nordic is a standard for the procurement of bus services in Sweden and describes the functional requirements that the industry has jointly agreed on.
Industry-wide functional requirements for buses (external link to Swedish Public Transport)
In addition to special guidelines for adaptation to disabled passengers in Appendix 3, there are also functional requirements in the areas of seating, exterior/interior, information, other comfort, driver environment and more. Signs to remind people of seat belt use and where fire equipment is are available in all buses. Toilets are available on the buses in regional traffic that run on our trunk routes, where the trips are longer than 100 kilometers.
The Swedish Public Transport Association and the Swedish Bus Association are behind the document and have been produced in Partnership Cooperation. The working group behind Bus Nordic consists of representatives from the transport companies, traffic customers, bus manufacturers and the industry organizations Swedish Public Transport and the Swedish Bus Association.