For travelers with disabilities or special needs.
There is free escort on public transport for people with disabilities or special needs. See below where it is and how to book an escort.
Escort in Umeå
At Umeå bus station and Umeå C you can get assistance:
∙ To and from regional buses, to and from trains
∙ For interchange between regional buses, interchange between trains
∙ For changing between regional bus and train
∙ There is no escort between Vasaplan and Umeå Busstation/Umeå C.
At Vasaplan you can get accompaniment:
∙ To and from all regional and city buses (except the bus to the Wasaline ferry)
∙ For changing between all buses
At the bus terminal at Umeå University Hospital and Umeå East train station, you can get assistance:
∙ To and from all buses, to and from trains
∙ For changing between buses, changing between trains
∙ For changing between bus and train
∙ Between the bus/train and the hospital's central hall or ticket sales and waiting hall
In the hospital's central hall, entrance attendants work weekdays who can help you move on in the hospital after being escorted.
Escort in Skellefteå
At Skellefteå bus station on Södra Järnvägsgatan 35 you can get assistance
∙ To and from regional bus
∙ For changing between regional buses
Escort with Norrtåg and SJ
Norrtåg and SJ already have escorts at the stations in Vännäs, Vindeln, Umeå C, Bastuträsk and Jörn. It is also found in many other places in Sweden.
With one call, you book all the escorts for your trip
Order an escort no later than 24 hours before your trip. Check in advance which bus or train tour you want to go on.
∙ If your trip starts by bus, call Service Travel on 0771-25 10 20.
∙ If your journey starts with SJ, call SJ on 0771-75 75 75.
∙ If your journey starts with Norrtåg, call Norrtåg on 0771-44 41 11.
You will receive a confirmation by email or SMS.
Save the confirmation, which includes the number of the hotline.
Cancel the escort preferably no later than 12 hours before the trip.
What applies to escorts?
The escort is free of charge for you.
The companion and the staff of the hotline will not abandon you, even
if there are long delays, cancelled trains and buses. They resolve the situation in consultation
with you.
When booking, you will be asked to enter the mobile number you will use during the trip.
You can also specify what type of escort you need.
The confirmation you receive of your booking states when, and where, you should meet the escort. More information about escorting can be found on the station escort website.
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