Skellefteå bus station
Here you will find information about Skellefteå bus station, contact information for Länstrafiken's customer service and more.
- Click here to see the bus station via Google Street View >>(link opens in a new window)
Länstrafiken's customer service: 0771-100 110
Address: Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 29
Opening hours Ticket sales/Traffic information
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 08:00 - 17:00, closed for lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00, closed for lunch 10:00 - 12:00
Waiting room opening hours:
Every day: 06.00 - 22.00
Number of stops: 15
Bus platforms available: Yes
Number of parking spaces: There are no separate parking spaces. There are large municipal parking lots nearby.
Kiosk / Dining
Available: Yes
Phone no: Information missing
Quantity: 1 pcs.
Handicap: 1 st.
Passage dimensions: 90 cm
Fold-down armrests: Yes
Is the door easy to open, door opener/closer: Easy to open
Is there a changing table: No
Does it cost: 10 SEK
Free space around the toilet seat, direction from sitting on the chair
Left to wall: 90 cm
Right to wall: 110 cm
Front: 150 cm
The walking distance from disabled parking to the waiting room
Distance from disabled to waiting room: 30 m
Available automatic door openers: Yes
Doorways narrower than 86cm: No
Height of thresholds: 0 cm