Lost or forgotten
If you forgot or lost something on the bus, we will try to help you get it back. Who to contact depends on which transport company you have travelled with.
Contact information for the most common transport companies can be found below. If you are unsure which transport company you have travelled with, you are welcome to contact Länstrafiken's customer service. Then we can help you move on to the right transport company.
Kontakta oss om du inte vet vilket trafikföretag du åkte med
Customer service
Transdev and Byberg & Nordin
If you have forgotten or lost something on the bus and have travelled with the transport companies Byberg & Nordin or Transdev, you can pick up your found goods at Hittegods Umeå Busstation, Järnvägstorget 2, 90328 Umeå.
Please note - Bussgods Hittegods Umeå also takes care of forgotten items on board Ultra's buses.
Contact and opening hours Umeå
E-mail: hittegods.umea@bussgods.se
Telephone hours: Monday - Wednesday, Friday 09:00-15:00 with lunch closed 11:30-12:30 (non-holiday weekdays)
Thursday 10:00-15:00 with lunch closed 11:30-12:30 (weekdays)
Phone number: 090-70 46 16
Lost and found office opening hours: Monday - Friday 09:00-16:30 with lunch closed 11:30-12:30 (non-holiday weekdays)
Address: Lost and found Umeå Bus Station, Järnvägstorget 2, 90328 Umeå.
Skellefteå bus
If you have forgotten or lost something on the bus and have travelled with the transport company Skellefteå buss, you can pick up your found goods at Bussgods Skellefteå, Järnvägsgatan 29.
Contact and opening hours Skellefteå
Telephone hours: Monday - Friday 09:00-15:00
Phone Number: 0910-734 580
Lost and found office's opening hours: Monday - Thu 08:00-18:00, Fri 08:00-17:00
Address: Lost and found Skellefteå bus station, Järnvägsgatan 29.
Bussgods can send your lost goods to the nearest Bussgods agent by cash on delivery.
Norrland coast (lines 100, 20 and 12)
If you have forgotten or lost something on the bus and have travelled with the Norrland coast, line 100, 20 or 12, you should contact the transport company Connect Bus.
Phone: 079-099 79 30
Telephone hours: Monday - Friday 09:00-15:00 (closed for lunch 11:30-12:30)
E-mail: hittegods.e4@connectbus.se
Vilhelmina taxi (lines 14, 21, 31, 63 mm.)
If you have forgotten or lost something on the bus and have travelled with the transport company Vilhelmina taxi, you should contact them via:
E-mail: info@vilhelminataxi.se
Phone: 090-464 00
Route 45 Östersund-Gällivare
If you have forgotten or lost something on the bus and have travelled on route 45, you should contact the transport company Centrala Buss i Norrbotten AB.
Phone: 0911-920 50
Other transport companies
When travelling with other transport companies, contact the transport company you have travelled with.If you are unsure which transport company you have travelled with, you are welcome to contact Länstrafiken's customer service.