Disturbances (7)

Linje 251 kan för tillfället inte trafikera hållplatser Malånäs, Stensund, vsk Avaås, Tjärnbergsbränna, Kedjeheden, vsk Adakliden. Linjen trafikerar annan väg mellan Malå och Adak pga avstängd väg. Detta beräknas pågå till och med den 5/7 (observera att sluttiden är preliminär). Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.
Från och med torsdag 2024-06-27 kan linje 105 inte trafikera hållplatser Bjännsjö S, Bjännsjö, Bjännsjö N, Degersjön S, Degersjön, Mellansvartbäck, Innersjö, Innersjö Södra, Yttersjö N, Yttersjö Göstas Loge, Yttersjö, vsk G:a Yttersjövägen. Resande hänvisas till hållplats vsk Yttersjö och vsk Bjännsjö. Detta beräknas pågå till och med fredag 2024-07-05. Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.
Linje 28, 36, 249, 252 kan för tillfället inte trafikera hållplats Fårträsk, Kåtaträsk & Släppträsk. Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.
Det kan förekomma förseningar på linje 123, 124 & 125. Detta på grund av vägarbeten. Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.
Från och med måndag den 27/5 kan förseningar kan förekomma på linje 34. Detta på grund av vägarbeten mellan Tuvträsk och Västermyrriset. Arbetet beräknas vara färdigt hösten 2024. Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.
Linje 122, 123, 124 kan från och med 2023-10-30 inte trafikera hållplats Himmelska Fridens Torg & Trädgårdsgatan. Resande hänvisas till den tillfälliga hållplatsen Järnvägsgatan, som är placerad vid korsningen Järnvägsgatan och Trädgårdsgatan. Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.
Linje 20 kan från kl. 16 den 2024-07-07 inte trafikera hållplatser Pontusbadet, Malmuddsviadukten, Stadshuset och Norrhamn i Luleå. Resande hänvisas till hållplats Luleå Busstation. Detta gäller till kl. 6 den 2024-07-15. Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Time table changes (8)

Linje 205 får en uppdaterad tidtabell från och med den 8 juli 2024.
• Trafiknytt nummer 39


Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Linje 210 får en uppdaterad tidtabell från och med den 8 juli 2024.
• Trafiknytt nummer 40


Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Linje 519 får en uppdaterad tidtabell från och med den 2 juli 2024.
• Trafiknytt nummer 38


Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Linje 129 som får en uppdaterad tidtabell från och med den 17 juni 2024.
• Trafiknytt nummer 36


Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Linje 17 som får en uppdaterad tidtabell från och med den 17 juni 2024.
• Trafiknytt nummer 37


Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Linje 23 som får en uppdaterad tidtabell från och med den 17 juni 2024.
• Trafiknytt nummer 33


Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Linje 27 som får en uppdaterad tidtabell från och med den 17 juni 2024.
• Trafiknytt nummer 34


Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Linje 436 som får en uppdaterad tidtabell från och med den 17 juni 2024.
• Trafiknytt nummer 35


Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Accessibility statement

This is an ongoing accessibility statement for our website and apps.

Accessibility of the website Tabussen.nu

Länstrafiken i Västerbotten AB is behind this website. We want as many people as possible to be able to use it. This text describes how tabussen.nu comply with the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Service, any known accessibility problems and how you can report deficiencies to us so that we can fix them.

How accessible is the website?

We are aware that parts of the website are not fully accessible. See the section on content not available below for more information.

What can you do if you can't use parts of the website?

If you need to use content from Tabussen.nu that is not available to you, we will do our best to meet your needs.
Contact us:

  • Call our Customer Service 0771-110 100. Our opening hours by phone Monday-Friday at 06-23, Saturday-Sunday at 07-23.
  • Email brev@tabussen.nu

Report deficiencies in the accessibility of the website

We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of the website. If you discover issues that are not described on this page, or if you believe that we do not comply with the requirements of the law, please contact us to let us know that the problem exists.

Contact us:

  • Call our Customer Service 0771-110 100. Our opening hours by phone Monday-Friday at 06-23, Saturday-Sunday at 07-23.
  • Email brev@tabussen.nu


The Agency for Digital Government, Digg, is responsible for the supervision of the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services. You can report to Digg if you think our digital service has shortcomings in accessibility.

You can also report to Digg if you think that our assessment of what is unreasonably burdensome should be reviewed, if you think that our accessibility statement has shortcomings or if you think that we have not handled your request for accessibility correctly.

Technical information on the accessibility of the website

The website Tabussen.nu is partially compliant with the basic accessibility of WCAG 2.1 Level AA, due to the shortcomings described below.

Content that is not accessible

The content described below is not fully accessible in one way or another.

  • There are pdfs on the website that are not accessible. We solve this by allowing you as a visitor to get the same information in several other ways and also inform you about how.
  • Not all images on the site have alt texts. We are working to fix it by 2024 at the latest.
  • Some of our forms and linked e-services do not fully comply with accessibility principles. We work to improve them during the updates together with the suppliers.
  • A few embedded features of the website do not comply with accessibility principles.


Our ambition is to have fixed all known accessibility issues by July 1, 2024.

Content not covered by the law

The content described here is not fully accessible, but is exempted under Section 9 of the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services.

  • The map function in the Journey Planner, which is an embedded external service

The web's map functions are not used for navigation, and the corresponding information contained in the map can also be found in other formats in other parts of the web. You can also choose not to open the map.

How we tested the website

We have done a self-assessment testing of the website Tabussen.nu. We have also tested the website by hiring external expertise that is basically based on the WCAG standard for accessibility and the checklist available on webbriktlinjer.se.

  • The auditing organization isOxio.se

The most recent assessment was made in November 2021.

The website was published on 8 February 2022. In the spring of 2024, we are working on a new website that is being built according to the latest accessibility requirements and will be tested again before launch.

This Accessibility Statement will be updated when new information is added or solutions to known issues are implemented.

The report was last updated on 19 March 2024.


Accessibility of the Tabussen.nu and Ultra apps - Umeås lokaltrafik

Länstrafiken i Västerbotten AB works continuously to increase accessibility. We want as many people as possible to be able to use our new app.

How accessible is the app?

Here we describe how the apps Tabussen.nu and Ultra- Umeå's public transport comply with the law on accessibility to digital public services, what known accessibility problems our apps have and how we plan to fix them. You will also receive information on how to contact us if you notice shortcomings in the apps.
This report refers to version 2.184.2 for iOS and version 2.188.0 for Android, as well as later versions of these. The apps Tabussen.nu and Ultra- Umeås lokaltrafik are owned by Länstrafiken i Västerbotten AB.

What to do if you can't use parts of the apps?

If you need to use content from Tabussen.nu and Ultra - Umeå's public transport that is not available to you, we will do our best to meet your needs.
To contact us:

  • Call our Customer Service 0771-110 100. Our opening hours by phone Monday-Friday at 06-23, Saturday-Sunday at 07-23.
  • Email brev@tabussen.nu

Report accessibility shortcomings

We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of the apps. If you discover issues that are not described on this page, or if you believe that we do not comply with the requirements of the law, please contact us to let us know that the problem exists.

Contact us:

  • Call our Customer Service 0771-110 100. Our opening hours by phone Monday-Friday at 06-23, Saturday-Sunday at 07-23.
  • Email brev@tabussen.nu
  • Anonymous form for reporting (link coming soon)


The Agency for Digital Government, Digg, is responsible for the supervision of the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services. You can report to Digg if you think our digital service has shortcomings in accessibility.

You can also report to Digg if you think that our assessment of what is unreasonably burdensome should be reviewed, if you think that our accessibility statement has shortcomings or if you think that we have not handled your request for accessibility correctly.

Technical information on the availability of mobile applications

Our apps Tabussen.nu and Ultra-Umeå's public transport are partly compliant with the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services.

Content that is not accessible

Here we describe the accessibility deficiencies that we are aware of.

  • Some features can't be accessed with a keyboard and screen reader.
  • Individual icons, buttons, and headings are not described clearly enough for reading aids.
  • There are animations and moving images that cannot be paused, stopped or hidden.
  • Some prompts and error messages are not clear enough.
  • Some views are missing visible focus marks.
  • The app does not respect the user's platform settings in terms of colors, fonts, and dark or light mode.
  • The app doesn't support horizontal mode.


Measures and adaptations needed to correct known shortcomings in the first release of the app have been defined and development work has begun. Several upcoming releases of the app that include accessibility improvements are already planned for 2024.

Content not covered by the law

The content described here is not fully accessible, but is exempted under Section 9 of the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services.

  • Map features

The app's map functions are not used for navigation, and the corresponding information contained in the map can also be found in other formats in other parts of the app. You can also choose not to open the map.

How we tested the mobile applications

The app has been self-reviewed by the provider based on the requirements of the Act (2018:1937) on accessibility to digital public services. The tests have included a manual evaluation against these guidelines as well as an analysis of reports from previous audits of apps with the same original codebase as the apps Tabussen.nu and Ultra-Umeås lokaltrafik.

This Accessibility Statement will be updated when new information is added or solutions to known issues are implemented.

The statement was updated 24-06-24.