Länstrafiken does not own its own buses and has no drivers employed. We use transport companies with their own buses and drivers. Länstrafiken currently uses about 30 bus companies and a large number of taxi contractors. Everyone who drives for us has been given their assignments in tendering processes. Procurements are made on an ongoing basis for a small part of the traffic each year.
The agreements with the transport companies contain a number of requirements that they must comply with. These requirements apply, among other things, in the areas of the environment, quality, road safety and functional adaptation.
Since 2011, Länstrafiken has decided that trunk routes and the larger commuter routes in the county will be operated by buses with special designs. This is to make it easier for you as a traveler to recognize your bus. This means that the buses look the same, regardless of which company is driving.
On the smaller routes in the county, thebuses are not profiled by Länstrafiken, but the bus is then designed in the respective carrier's colors.
The largest contractors currently operating our routes are Transdev, Skellefteå buss, Centrala buss, Connect bus, Byberg and Nordin, Vilhelmina taxi and Busspoolen.